Monthly Bulletin: January 2025

Welcome to the monthly bulletin from Iechyd Da. You will find useful information and updates all in one place.

Changes to UK Farmcare QA manuals

New versions of the Farmcare QA manuals have been uploaded onto Farminsights and DEWIN. Please ensure that everyone is aware of the new manuals and amendments.

For ease a summary of the changes are below.


  • Removed reference to SFP penalties for overdue test.

  • Amend OV to TB Tester.

  • Removal of FAM reference  to Defra approved disinfectant in case of future supply issues.

  • Adding references to requirements for ATTs such as undergoing supervised test two yearly.

  • Added V Grip to manuals

  • Amend the sentence “TB Testers who receive more than 12points during one audit are likely to face suspension from testing.” To 13points

  • Appendix 7 Pre test confirmation letter altered

Practice Ops

  • Amend OV to TB Tester
  • Add V Grip info

  • Appendix 1 – updated letter TB Test reminder letter

  • Appendix 2 – Updated letter Pre test confirmation letter

Tuberculin batch numbers

Recently new batches of Tuberculin have been released with a 7-digit batch number. Sam at point of first delivery was not able to accept a 7-digit batch number. A fix has been released to allow the acceptance of the 7 digits.  

From now the full batch numbers are to be entered into Sam. If the tuberculin being used still has the 6 digits this is fine, but if a new batch is being used with 7-digits, please enter the full number.


APHA have now developed a dedicated email address to receive your datafixes. 
Please forward your emails to

Avian Influenza

As you will be aware there is avian influenza confirmed in Shropshire in a large egg producer.

The surveillance zone (SZ) stretches just cross border into the South Wrexham area.

Annex2 in the declaration sets out the measures that must be followed in an SZ

The biggest impact is the need to obtain a licence to move birds and certain eggs:

General licences are available and has a link should a specific licence be required.

This is also to raise awareness as we have several large commercial poultry enterprises down the East border of Wales as well as many smaller keepers.

There is useful biosecurity advice on this page and its various links:

Birdflu (avian influenza): how to prevent it and stop it spreading – GOV.UK

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Iechyd Da (Gwledig) Limited
Po Box 8, North Road, Aberystwyth, SY23 2WB.

T: +44 (0) 1970 636 688

Iechyd Da Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number: 1234567

Iechyd Da

Discovering, developing and delivering.

Iechyd Da (Gwledig) Limited
Po Box 8, North Road, Aberystwyth, SY23 2WB.

T: +44 (0) 1970 636 688

Iechyd Da Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number: 08821623